2020 4th Quarter Safety Meeting – Postponed

I wanted to advise all employees that in the best interests and safety of all our employees during these uncertain times, we have decided to postpone the 4th Quarter safety meeting scheduled for 12/02/2020. As new information becomes available for a future meeting date I will share that with all employees.

There are a few items I wanted to still share with all employees:

1) Pam Wilds last day with us will be Wednesday 11/25/2020 as she is retiring. Please wish her the best of luck.

2) I would like to welcome the newest members to the Clawson Communications team that have come on board with us since our last meeting:

Alexis Lucas joined us on 09/24/2020 and will be taking over Pam Wilds position.
Eric Meek joined us on 10/09/2020 as a member of the OSP.
Andrew Potts joined us on 10/26/2020 as a full time Clawson employee with the OSP (he has been working with us for several months now, but had been through a staffing agency).
Ernest Green joined us on 10/26/2020 as a full time Clawson employee with our FW crew (he has been working with us for several months now, but had been through a staffing agency).
Rosco Haase joined us on 10/26/2020 a a member of the ISP.
Anthony England joined us on 10/27/2020 as a member of our FW crew.
Sonny Wolfe joined us on 11/17/2020 as a member of the ISP.

3) Please congratulate Jeff Obenchain, as he will be reaching his 20-year anniversary with us on 12/01/2020! Where does the time go?!

4) As several of you know, we are updating our MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platform) training for necessary employees to adhere to the newest training requirements. (12) employees will be completed with both the online and hands-on training and certification as of next week, and (22) additional employees are working on completing the online training now. I am hopeful to have their hands-on training and certification completed by the end of the year.

5) As an update for our BICSI program, I would like to congratulate (05) employees for successfully completing the Level 2 Copper course since our last meeting: Zach Berberick, Steven Drake, Mat Goyne, Lorraine Rosenow, and Cody Winzenread. Great job by each of you!

Currently, we have (06) employees participating in a Level 1 Installer course that will complete the first of December, and I am hopeful to be able to share additional good news once they complete course and testing.

I am looking at beginning another BICSI class after the first of the year, and will reach out to the possible candidates once dates are setup.

6) I am still looking at setting up OSHA 10-hour courses in the near future, and will reach out to employees once those dates and attendees are confirmed.

7) I still need to complete inspection and review of all harnesses that are in the field, company vehicles, etc. If you have a harness in your possession or company vehicle, please reach out to me so that we can coordinate inspection either at the office or at a job site.

8) The door prizes that we had planned to give out at this meeting will be held until our next meeting to give everyone a chance at these.

Thank you for your time, and please reach out to me with any questions. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving week next week.

-Jeremy Burke