401(k) Changes

Reminder!  If you are interested in making a change to the amount or percentage of contribution for 401(k), now is the time for the fourth quarter!  I need you to notify me no later than September 28.

July 401(k) Changes

REMINDER!  You may make changes in June to your contribution amounts for the 401(k) program.  You can also enter the 401(k) at this time for a July 1 effective date.  You must have worked at Clawson Communications, Inc. for one year and be at least 21 years of age.  Please contact Kathy Hardey at extension 346.

Payroll Direct Deposit Stubs

Beginning next week, all direct deposit stubs and expense stubs will be sent via email.  Direct Deposit stubs will be password protected Adobe PDF Files, and will require  a password.  Shortly, you will receive an email containing your password information.  Please do not lose the password contained in the email.   Expense Stubs will NOT be password protected, as they do not contain any private information (i.e. Social Security Numbers, etc).

If you have any questions, please call Kathy Hardey ext 346 or Rick Miller ext 334.

Per Diem and Mileage Rates

As you are aware the current rate for per diem is $85.00 per night and the rate for mileage is $.40 per mile.  We have decided to change these rates effective January 1, 2012.

New Rates
Per Diem $100.00 per night
Mileage $.45/mile

If you have any questions, call Kathy on ext 346