Novell Filr and Sharing Files with Customers

Here is a great video explaining file sharing in Novell Filr.  Currently, only single files may be shared.  If you need to share multiple files (e.g. test Results, as-builts) is to compress all files into one archive.

Also note Novell Filr has a mobile app that can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Android Marketplace.  To set up the app, as the server address. To access Novell Filr from a web browser, click here, or go to the “Novell Filr” link under “Corporate Links” on this page.


New virus holds computers hostage

Another cautionary tale regarding email links.

Updated: Oct 26, 2013 2:10 PM EDT

By Jennie Runevitch-INDIANAPOLIS –

Experts are warning about a new kind of computer virus called CryptoLocker. Hackers are hitting systems holding personal information and files for ransom.

It’s an old-time crime with a 21st century twist – a virus that holds your computer hostage and demands money to get it back.

“They’re holding your computers or your files for ransom, the same way a kidnapper would,” explained Geek Brigade president Jon Wright.

Victims of the virus even get a terrifying ticking clock that pops up on the screen, counting down the time left to pay up.

“If you don’t pay, your files are gone forever,” Wright said.

Experts say CryptoLocker, a new type of ransomware, created by organized criminals overseas, is one of the most dangerous viruses to hit in a long time.

You can literally lose everything – all pictures, videos and documents on your PC. Geek Brigade in Greenwood had two people come in with infected computers just this week.

“We’ve heard lots of stories of people losing everything,” Wright said.

CryptoLocker is spread through phony attachments in emails.

The latest attachments have said “here’s my resume” or “scan from Xerox work center”, so it looks like someone from the office sent them.

But click the link, and you are locked out of your own computer.

“As soon as the user’s computer is infected, the virus sets about encrypting their files and all the files that are attached – thumb drives, external hard drives, or even network drives if they’re at work,” Wright explained.

That’s when the taunting begins.

You’re given 96 hours to pay $300 and get a “private key”, or password, to unlock your files.

No money sent – no data. It’s gone for good.

But should you really pay up?

Experts say early on, people still weren’t getting their files. Lately, for some, that’s changed.

“It’s personal preference,” Wright said. “Recent reports are that people who’ve paid are getting their files back, but then of course, you’ve still now given your information to a criminal.”

They’re criminals demanding cash in a high-tech hold up that’s just as threatening as the real thing.

So how do you protect yourself?

Experts say never open an attachment you don’t recognize or you weren’t expecting.

Back up all your data off-site on a regular basis. An external hard drive that’s connected to your computer would be wiped out with this virus.

Also, get good anti-virus protection that runs in real time. Those have stopped CryptoLocker from hacking in.

If CrytptoLocker does hit, and you notice it right away, Wright says to unplug your computer immediately, before the virus gets chance to run completely.

Then take it to a repair shop. That might save your data before it’s too late.

PNC HSA Accounts

Effective March, 2014, PNC will begin charging for employees to receive a paper statement for your Health Savings Account through them. You are encouraged to sign up for free online statements. If you have questions about accessing your account online, please call PNC at 866-622-3946.

Payroll Direct Deposit Stubs

Beginning next week, all direct deposit stubs and expense stubs will be sent via email.  Direct Deposit stubs will be password protected Adobe PDF Files, and will require  a password.  Shortly, you will receive an email containing your password information.  Please do not lose the password contained in the email.   Expense Stubs will NOT be password protected, as they do not contain any private information (i.e. Social Security Numbers, etc).

If you have any questions, please call Kathy Hardey ext 346 or Rick Miller ext 334.

Quarterly Safety Meeting


DATE: Thursday, January 19, 2012

TIME: 7:00 a.m. (Serving Breakfast)  7:30 a.m. (Meeting Starts)

PLACE: Jonathan Byrds Cafeteria – Banquet Hall Greenwood, IN

TOPIC: Safety at Home and CPR Certification

NOTE: Please bring a box of cereal or a monetary donation for the local Food Bank.

Elder Justice Act

To: All Greenwood Facility Employees

RE: Franklin United Methodist Community 

The Franklin United Methodist Community is a facility for seniors that we do work within their buildings. The attached information was just received regarding elder abuse and the reporting thereof. While many of you will never work on this customer site, we believe we have the obligation to inform all of our employees of our moral and legal responsibilities for the elderly. 

Please review this information completely. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on extension 346. 


Memorandum To:     FUMC Vendors and Suppliers

From: Keith B. Van Deman, Associate Executive Director

Date: October 15, 2011

Re:     Elder Justice Act Notification

The Elder Justice Act is a federally mandated legislation to help protect older adults from crimes against them.

As a licensed health care facility in the State of Indiana, we are compelled to provide notice of this act to every person who may be defined as a “covered person” that comes into contact with our residents. Some interpretations of this definition of a category for “contractors” include vendors, suppliers, and service persons such as you or your company who may be in our facility on certain occasions; therefore we are providing you with this enclosed notice that describes the Act.

On the reverse side of the Act information, you will also see the Contact Information for Reporting a Reasonable Suspicion of a Crime against a Resident. This is provided to you as a potentially “covered person” of the Act, which would require you that if you suspect a crime has been committed against one of our residents, you are obligated to report the suspicion to those noted in the listing.

We are grateful for our relationship with you and for the service you provide. We send you this information to be in compliance with the federal and state regulations that we are required to abide by at FUMC. This is an annual notification that we intend to provide to all “covered persons” until there is a change in requirements or other clarifications that indicate this group is exempt from notification.


Each employee, agent, contractor, manager, owner, or operator of this facility is individually responsible to report the reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident An individual who fails to report is subject to a civil money penalty of up to $300,000 and exclusion from participation in any Federal health care program.

Reports of the reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident of this facility must be made to the Indiana State Department of Health and a local-law enforcement entity within 2 hours if there is serious bodily injury. If events causing the suspicion do not result in serious bodily injury, it must be reported within 24 hours after forming the suspicion.

This facility may not retaliate against any employee who lawfully reports the reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident as provided in Section 1150B of the Social Security Act. This facility may not discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or deny a promotion or other employment-related benefit to an employee, or in any other manner discriminate against an employee, in the terms and conditions of employment because of lawful acts done by the employee for making a report, causing a report to be made, or for taking steps in furtherance of making a report pursuant to the Act.

This facility may not file a complaint or report against a nurse or other employee with the appropriate state professional disciplinary agency because of lawful acts done by the nurse or employee for making a report, causing a report to be made, or for taking steps in furtherance of making a report pursuant to the Act.

An employee may file a complaint with the Indiana State Department of Health against this facility if this facility retaliates against an employee who has lawfully reported the suspicion of a crime against a resident. To file a complaint, the employee may call the ISDH Complaint Hotline at 1-800-246-8909 or email the complaint to


Contact Information for Reporting

Each employee, agent, contractor, manager, owner, or operator of this facility is individually responsible to report the reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident.

Reports of the reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident of this facility must be made to the Indiana state Department of Health and to a local law enforcement agency within 2 hours if there is serious bodily injury. Otherwise, it must be reported within 24 hours.

The following is contact information for the reporting of a reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident:

Indiana State Department of Health
Email address to send reports:
Fax number to send reports: (317) 233-7494
Phone number to call in reports: 1-800-246-8909 [business hours and voicemail]
Or 317-233-5359 [voicemail]

Franklin Police Department
2801 N. Morton, Franklin IN 46131 to Send Reports
Fax Number: 317-736-6840 To Fax reports
Telephone: 317-736-5111 To Call In Reports