2022 2nd Quarter Safety Meeting

Our 2nd Quarter Safety Meeting will be held on Wednesday 04/20/2022 beginning at 7:00 am here at the Greenwood office. We will be serving donuts and drinks at the meeting.

All fire extinguishers from job boxes, gang boxes, company vehicles, company equipment, etc. will need to be brought to the meeting so that Nel-Bud can complete annual inspection on them. Please do not forget to bring these with you.

Also, there has currently only been (01) CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action) form submitted this Quarter. If no other submissions are received before the meeting, this submission will be the automatic winner of that door prize. Let’s see what hazards are out there, and how we can proactively prevent them on our jobs 🙂

If anyone has any questions, or will be unavailable for this meeting, please let me know as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Server Upgrades 3/11/2022

We are upgrading server hosts today. Currently, the following services/servers are offline. Check this page for updates throughout the day.

Timetracker http://timesheet.clawsons.com
Vibe https://vibe.clawsons.com
Toolbox Talks https://toolboxtalks.clawsons.com
Groupwise Mobility Server
Filr https://filr.clawsons.com
Filemaker https://filemaker.clawsons.com
Inflow Inventory
Solar Winds

Server Patches

We will be installing some patches on our VMWare hosts on Friday, March 11.  I will be taking some non-essential servers offline for a few hours.  

The following services will be offline during this time:

Timetracker http://timesheet.clawsons.com

Vibe https://vibe.clawsons.com

Toolbox Talks https://toolboxtalks.clawsons.com

WordPress https://employee.clawsons.com

Groupwise Mobility Server

Filr https://filr.clawsons.com

Filemaker https://filemaker.clawsons.com

Inflow Inventory

There may be additional server applications, if required, and we will notify users if necessary.
I will post an update when we are complete on our Employee Page, once that server is 
back online.

2022 1st Quarter Safety Meeting

Our next Quarterly Safety Meeting will be on Wednesday 02/23/2022 beginning at 7:00 am at Valle Vista. We will again be on the second floor in the Westview Room.

I will need all employees with job boxes to ensure they bring them to the meeting for inspection and update. Please do not forget these.

Please contact myself or your Superintendent as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend this meeting for some reason.

Thank you.

Jeremy Burke

Network Services

We are installing emergency BIOS updates on our hosts. The following services are temporarily down. Vibe, toolboxtalks, Filr, Groupwise Messenger, Groupwise Mobility, iprint, Gigatrak and Filemaker. Keep posted for updates.