2020 4th Quarter Safety Meeting

Our 4th Quarter Safety Meeting will be held on Wednesday December 02, 2020 at the Hilton Garden Inn located at 5255 Noggle Way, Indianapolis IN, beginning at 7:00 am (this is on the northeast corner of Emerson Avenue and County Line Road, please see attached map).

Due to State and County mandates, all employees will need to wear masks or face coverings in all public areas and during the meeting.

All employees will need to bring in ANY harnesses they have assigned to them, in company vehicles, on job sites, etc. so that they may be inspected and tracking numbers confirmed. Please do not forget to bring these in.

We have several door prizes we will be giving out, including; (04) $100 Kroger gift cards, a $100 Bass Pro Shop gift card, a one gallon Yeti jug, (02) 26 ounce Yeti tumblers, and a camping grill, so if you would like any extra chances at these items please ensure you see myself or Ryan Jones anytime from now through the morning of the meeting to purchase them. $1.00 per chance, or $5.00 for six chances. All proceeds will go to the local food bank or the Christmas Angels Tree Store (dependent upon if they are open this year with the COVID restrictions).

If for any reason you will not be available for this meeting, please contact Jermy Burke or your Project Superintendent immediately.

3rd Quarter Safety Meeting

Our 3rd Quarter safety meeting will be held on Wednesday 09/23/2020 at our Greenwood office. Start time will be 7:00 am.

Since we will be having all employees on hand at one time, I will be asking that everyone sanitize hands when they arrive, and that everyone wear a mask while here for the meeting.

If you will not be able to attend this meeting for some reason, please contact Jeremy Burke or your Project Superintendent immediately.

Annual CCS Drug Screen June 23, 2020

Our annual CCS drug screen will be held on Tuesday June 23, 2020 at our Greenwood office.

As we want to keep the group size as small as possible at any given time, and adhere to social distancing guidelines, the following schedule will be in effect:

Outside Plant Personnel, City County and Roche dedicated technicians will need to report at 7:00 am.

Methodist, IU, and Hendricks Regional dedicated technicians; as well as Pendleton employees will need to report at 7:30 am.

Inside Plant technicians will need to report at 8:00 am.

T&M technicians and DuzCart employees will need to report at 8:30 am.

Office staff and management should report at 9:00 am.

Fort Wayne employees, Illinois employees, and anyone working on an out of town project will be contacted with your testing site and will still need to test on Tuesday June 23, 2020.

We will be serving doughnuts and beverages at this meeting. Please stop by the tables in the warehouse to sign in and collect any paperwork.

All employees will be expected to proceed to their assigned job sites immediately following testing.

This is a mandatory testing procedure. If you have any questions, please contact me or your Project Superintendent immediately.

Thank you.

Jeremy Burke

Groupwise Mobility

3/6/20 2:30 PM The GWMS is currently up and running, we have some accounts that are pending a move, and have been causing issues with the Mobility Server, and I have removed those accounts from contacting the server. I hope to have these issues fixed soon.

Services Status

As of noon on 3/6/2020 all services are up and running except for the Groupwise Mobility Server as the disk is full. Please use Groupwise WebAccess for email until the server has been allocated more storage. Please review your Groupwise Mailbox and delete any old messages as well.

3/6 Upgrades

We will be taking down non-essential services periodically on Friday, March 6 to upgrade our hosts.  Check this page for updates.

Here is a list of services that will be offline for Friday:


Services will be up sometime Friday afternoon.